Atmega128 ile enc28j60, nRF24l01 kontrolü

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23 Nis 2011
Merhaba ustalarım. Dün yurt dışından atmega 128 deneme kartı, STK500 programlayıcı, enc28j60 ethernet modülü ve nRF24l01 wireless modül aldım. Eskiden pic ile çalışıyordum. Kendimi geliştirmek için ve pic'in pahalı oluşundan dolayı atmel'e geçmeye karar verdim. Çünkü bir atmega8 smd kargo dahil 3 tl iken pic16f876 10 tl kargo hariç... Pic basic, CCS C kodlama bilgim var. CCS c ye yeni başlamıştım. AVR programlamak içinde avr studioyu kullanıyorum. AVR Studio ile 1-2 program yazdım ve isis'de denedim. CCC C ye çok benziyor sadece 1-2 farklılık var. Başlangıc olarak gerek fiyatı, gerek özellikleri nedeniyle atmega128'i seçtim. İhtiyaçım olan nRF24l01 rf modülünün nasıl iletişim sağlıyacağım. Ayrıca enc28j60 modülünü nasıl sürerim. Şimdiden teşekkür ederim.
Atmega128 Deneme Kartı
Belki faydası olur: :

' ENC28J60 Control Registers
' Control register definitions are a combination of address,
' bank number, and Ethernet/MAC/PHY indicator bits.
' - Register address (bits 0-4)
' - Bank number  (bits 7-6)
' - MAC/PHY indicator (bit 5)

'All-bank registers
Const Eie = &H1B
Const Eir = &H1C
Const Estat = &H1D
Const Econ2 = &H1E
Const Econ1 = &H1F

'for bank selection
Const Bank0 = &B00_000000
Const Bank1 = &B01_000000
Const Bank2 = &B10_000000
Const Bank3 = &B11_000000

'MAC/PHY indicator
Const Macphy = &B00_1_00000

'Bank 0 registers
Const Erdptl = &H00 Or Bank0
Const Erdpth = &H01 Or Bank0
Const Ewrptl = &H02 Or Bank0
Const Ewrpth = &H03 Or Bank0
Const Etxstl = &H04 Or Bank0
Const Etxsth = &H05 Or Bank0
Const Etxndl = &H06 Or Bank0
Const Etxndh = &H07 Or Bank0
Const Erxstl = &H08 Or Bank0
Const Erxsth = &H09 Or Bank0
Const Erxndl = &H0A Or Bank0
Const Erxndh = &H0B Or Bank0
Const Erxrdptl = &H0C Or Bank0
Const Erxrdpth = &H0D Or Bank0
Const Erxwrptl = &H0E Or Bank0
Const Erxwrpth = &H0F Or Bank0
Const Edmastl = &H10 Or Bank0
Const Edmasth = &H11 Or Bank0
Const Edmandl = &H12 Or Bank0
Const Edmandh = &H13 Or Bank0
Const Edmadstl = &H14 Or Bank0
Const Edmadsth = &H15 Or Bank0
Const Edmacsl = &H16 Or Bank0
Const Edmacsh = &H17 Or Bank0

' Bank 1 registers
Const Eht0 = &H00 Or Bank1
Const Eht1 = &H01 Or Bank1
Const Eht2 = &H02 Or Bank1
Const Eht3 = &H03 Or Bank1
Const Eht4 = &H04 Or Bank1
Const Eht5 = &H05 Or Bank1
Const Eht6 = &H06 Or Bank1
Const Eht7 = &H07 Or Bank1
Const Epmm0 = &H08 Or Bank1
Const Epmm1 = &H09 Or Bank1
Const Epmm2 = &H0A Or Bank1
Const Epmm3 = &H0B Or Bank1
Const Epmm4 = &H0C Or Bank1
Const Epmm5 = &H0D Or Bank1
Const Epmm6 = &H0E Or Bank1
Const Epmm7 = &H0F Or Bank1
Const Epmcsl = &H10 Or Bank1
Const Epmcsh = &H11 Or Bank1
Const Epmol = &H14 Or Bank1
Const Epmoh = &H15 Or Bank1
Const Ewolie = &H16 Or Bank1
Const Ewolir = &H17 Or Bank1
Const Erxfcon = &H18 Or Bank1
Const Epktcnt = &H19 Or Bank1

' Bank 2 registers
Const Macon1 = &H00 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Macon2 = &H01 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Macon3 = &H02 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Macon4 = &H03 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Mabbipg = &H04 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Maipgl = &H06 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Maipgh = &H07 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Maclcon1 = &H08 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Maclcon2 = &H09 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Mamxfll = &H0A Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Mamxflh = &H0B Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Maphsup = &H0D Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Micon = &H11 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Micmd = &H12 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Miregadr = &H14 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Miwrl = &H16 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Miwrh = &H17 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Mirdl = &H18 Or Bank2 Or Macphy
Const Mirdh = &H19 Or Bank2 Or Macphy

' Bank 3 registers
Const Maadr1 = &H00 Or Bank3 Or Macphy
Const Maadr0 = &H01 Or Bank3 Or Macphy
Const Maadr3 = &H02 Or Bank3 Or Macphy
Const Maadr2 = &H03 Or Bank3 Or Macphy
Const Maadr5 = &H04 Or Bank3 Or Macphy
Const Maadr4 = &H05 Or Bank3 Or Macphy
Const Ebstsd = &H06 Or Bank3
Const Ebstcon = &H07 Or Bank3
Const Ebstcsl = &H08 Or Bank3
Const Ebstcsh = &H09 Or Bank3
Const Mistat = &H0A Or Bank3 Or Macphy                      'checken of goed is
Const Erevid = &H12 Or Bank3
Const Ecocon = &H15 Or Bank3
Const Eflocon = &H17 Or Bank3
Const Epausl = &H18 Or Bank3
Const Epaush = &H19 Or Bank3

' PHY registers
Const Phcon1 = &H00
Const Phstat1 = &H01
Const Phhid1 = &H02
Const Phhid2 = &H03
Const Phcon2 = &H10
Const Phstat2 = &H11
Const Phie = &H12
Const Phir = &H13
Const Phlcon = &H14

' ENC28J60 EIR Register Bit Definitions
Const Eir_pktif = 6
Const Eir_dmaif = 5
Const Eir_linkif = 4
Const Eir_txif = 3
Const Eir_wolif = 2
Const Eir_txerif = 1
Const Eir_rxerif = 0

' ENC28J60 ESTAT Register Bit Definitions
Const Estat_int = 7
'Const Estat_bufer = 6
Const Estat_latecol = 4
Const Estat_rxbusy = 2
Const Estat_txabrt = 1
Const Estat_clkrdy = 0

' ENC28J60 EIE Register Bit Definitions
Const Eie_intie = 7
Const Eie_pktie = 6
Const Eie_dmaie = 5
Const Eie_linkie = 4
Const Eie_txie = 3
Const Eie_wolie = 2
Const Eie_txerie = 1
Const Eie_rxerie = 0

' ENC28J60 ECON2 Register Bit Definitions
Const Econ2_autoinc = 7
Const Econ2_pktdec = 6
Const Econ2_pwrsv = 5
Const Econ2_vrps = 3

' ENC28J60 ECON1 Register Bit Definitions
Const Econ1_txrst = 7
Const Econ1_rxrst = 6
Const Econ1_dmast = 5
Const Econ1_csumen = 4
Const Econ1_txrts = 3
Const Econ1_rxen = 2
Const Econ1_bsel1 = 1
Const Econ1_bsel0 = 0

' ENC28J60 MACON1 Register Bit Definitions
Const Macon1_loopbk = 4                                     '?? reserved (&H10)
Const Macon1_txpaus = 3
Const Macon1_rxpaus = 2
Const Macon1_passall = 1
Const Macon1_marxen = 0

' ENC28J60 MACON2 Register Bit Definitions
Const Macon2_marst = 7
Const Macon2_rndrst = 6
Const Macon2_marxrst = 4
Const Macon2_rfunrst = 2
Const Macon2_matxrst = 1
Const Macon2_tfunrst = 0

' ENC28J60 MACON3 Register Bit Definitions
Const Macon3_padcfg2 = 7
Const Macon3_padcfg1 = 6
Const Macon3_padcfg0 = 5
Const Macon3_txcrcen = 4
Const Macon3_phdrlen = 3
Const Macon3_hfrmlen = 2
Const Macon3_frmlnen = 1
Const Macon3_fuldpx = 0

' ENC28J60 MICMD Register Bit Definitions
Const Micmd_miiscan = 1
Const Micmd_miird = 0

' ENC28J60 MISTAT Register Bit Definitions
Const Mistat_nvalid = 2
Const Mistat_scan = 1
Const Mistat_busy = 0

' ENC28J60 PHY PHCON1 Register Bit Definitions
Const Phcon1_prst = &H8000
Const Phcon1_ploopbk = &H4000
Const Phcon1_ppwrsv = &H0800
Const Phcon1_pdpxmd = &H0100

' ENC28J60 PHY PHSTAT1 Register Bit Definitions
Const Phstat1_pfdpx = &H1000
Const Phstat1_phdpx = &H0800
Const Phstat1_llstat = &H0004
Const Phstat1_jbstat = &H0002

' ENC28J60 PHY PHCON2 Register Bit Definitions
Const Phcon2_frclink = &H4000
Const Phcon2_txdis = &H2000
Const Phcon2_jabber = &H0400
Const Phcon2_hdldis = &H0100

' ENC28J60 Packet Control Byte Bit Definitions
Const Pktctrl_phugeen = 3
Const Pktctrl_ppaden = 2
Const Pktctrl_pcrcen = 1
Const Pktctrl_poverride = 0

' SPI operation codes
'Const Enc28j60_read_ctrl_reg = &H00
Const Enc28j60_read_buf_mem = &H3A
'Const Enc28j60_write_ctrl_reg = &H40
Const Enc28j60_write_buf_mem = &H7A
'Const Enc28j60_bit_field_set = &H80
'Const Enc28j60_bit_field_clr = &HA0
Const Enc28j60_soft_reset = &HFF

' buffer boundaries applied to internal 8K ram
' entire available packet buffer space is allocated

Const Txstart_init = &H0000                                 ' start TX buffer at 0
Const Rxstart_init = &H1A19                                 ' give TX buffer space for one full ethernet frame (~1500 bytes)

Const Rxstop_init = &H1FF0                                  ' receive buffer gets the rest


Const Erxfcon_ucen = 7                                      'default 1 - Unicast Filter Enable bit
Const Erxfcon_andor = 6                                     'default 0
Const Erxfcon_crcen = 5                                     'default 1
Const Erxfcon_pmen = 4                                      'default 0 - Pattern Match Filter Enable bit
Const Erxfcon_mpen = 3                                      'default 0 - Magic Packet Filter Enable bit
Const Erxfcon_hten = 2                                      'default 0 - Hash Table Filter Enable bit
Const Erxfcon_mcen = 1                                      'default 0 - Multicast Filter Enable bit
Const Erxfcon_bcen = 0                                      'default 1 - Broadcast Filter Enable bit

ENC28J60 ile Wake on LAN (atmega8):
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