conducting loop ile ilgil bir örnek (elektromanyetik )


Onursal Üye
Onursal Üye
28 Eyl 2006
A question about conducting loop

1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data

A conducting loop (assumed to be infinitely thin) is being moved along time the x -axis as shownin figure 1the current in the wire is changing with


the loop position 2-tm t >0

what is the transformer emf induced?
what is the emotional emf produced?
what is the total induced emf and the current wire?

2. Relevant equations
e = -df/dt

= -d (fm sin wt) / dt

= -fm w cos wt

= -fm w sin (p/2 - wt)

= fm w sin (wt-p/2)

If fm.w = em, then

e1 = em sin (wt-p/2)

If coil P has N1 turns, then the total e.m.f. induced = N1e1

= N1.em sin (wt-p/2)

3. The attempt at a solution

I know above equations but I cant solve the question also I cant relate each other . please help me

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