Güç sistem analizi HOMEWORK ÖDEVİ

4 Mar 2015
Problem 1. The positive sequence equivalent circuit of a three bus system is illustrated in the Figure P1. Generator G1 injects an electric current 1~I while generator G2 injects an electric current 2~I at buses 1 and 2 respectively. (a) Compute the complex power absorbed at the electric load if 1~I= 1,000 A and 2~I= 1,200e A, (b) Compute the complex power flow in circuit 2-3, and (c) compute the complex power provided by generating unit G2. şekil hızlı resim şeklinde

Problem P2. Consider a simplified electric power system consisting of a three phase source, a symmetric three phase transmission line and a symmetric three phase electric load. Assume that the source voltage is 138 kV line to line and remains constant. The positive sequence series impedance of the line is j47.5 ohms. The power factor of the electric load is 0.92 current lagging and remains constant. Compute the maximum total power that can be transferred from the source to the load under the specified conditions. How this value varies if the power factor is (a) 0.90 current lagging and (b) 0.90 current leading (and remains constant in both cases?
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