Localhost üzerinden php ve arduine ile 8 led kontrolü


Profesyonel Üye
27 Eyl 2008

Kontrol paneli görüntüleri:

Fritzing şemamız:
Fritzing dosyasını konu ekinden indirebilirsiniz.

Bu dersimizde localhost üzerinden php ve arduino ile 8 adet ledi açıp kapatmayı öğreneceğiz.Bu ugulama ethernet shield gerektirmez.

Gerekli malzemeler:
Arduino uno
Led (8 adet)
470 ohm direnç (8 adet)
Bağlantı kabloları
Deney bordu

Ledlerimizi php formatında hazırlayacağımız bir web sayfası üzerinden kontrol edeceğiz. php sayfalar bir web sunucusu üzerinden çalıştığından eğer ki bilgisayarımızda localhost kurulu değilse sayfayı görüntelememiz mümkün olmaz. Bu nedenle bilgisayartınızda localhost kurulu değilse öncelikle localhostu kurmanız gerekmektedir. Ben localhost olarak wampserver kurdum. wampserver yerine xampp, easyphp.org gibi alternatif localhost arayüzlerini kurabilirsiniz.

Şimdi php sayfamızı hazırlayalım. Sayfamız için gerekli php kodlarını bir metin editörüne yapıştırıp, phpArduino.php isminde kaydediyoruz. Daha sonra bu dosyayı localhostumuza atacağız. Ben wampserver kurduğum için bu dosyayı C:\wamp\www içine atıyorum. Dosyayı kendisi oluşturmak istemeyenler konu ekinden indirebilir.

php kodlarımız:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/HTML; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">

body { background: #ccc; }

a { link, a:visited
  color: #232323;
  text-decoration: none;


function openSerial($command) {
   $openSerialOK = false;
   try {
     exec("mode com4: BAUD=9600 PARITY=n DATA=8 STOP=1 to=off dtr=off rts=off");
     $fp =fopen("com4", "w");
     //$fp = fopen('/dev/ttyUSB0','r+'); //use this for Linux
     $openSerialOK = true;
   } catch(Exception $e) {
     echo 'Message: ' .$e->getMessage();

   if($openSerialOK) {
     fwrite($fp, $command); //write string to serial

openSerial("Without this line, the first control will not work. I don't know way.");

if(isset($_POST['submit1'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 1\r");

if(isset($_POST['submit2'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 1\r");

if(isset($_POST['submit3'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 2\r");

if(isset($_POST['submit4'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 2\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit5'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 3\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit6'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 3\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit7'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 4\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit8'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 4\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit9'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 5\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit10'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 5\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit11'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 6\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit12'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 6\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit13'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 7\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit14'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 7\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit15'])) {
  openSerial("@00 on 8\r");
if(isset($_POST['submit16'])) {
  openSerial("@00 of 8\r");

<h3>Led / Role Kontrol Paneli</h3>
<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
  <input type="submit" name="submit1" value="1. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit2" value="1. Ledi söndür"><br>
  <input type="submit" name="submit3" value="2. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit4" value="2. Ledi söndür"><br>  
  <input type="submit" name="submit5" value="3. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit6" value="3. Ledi söndür"><br> 
  <input type="submit" name="submit7" value="4. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit8" value="4. Ledi söndür"><br> 
  <input type="submit" name="submit9" value="5. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit10" value="5. Ledi söndür"><br> 
  <input type="submit" name="submit11" value="6. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit12" value="6. Ledi söndür"><br> 
  <input type="submit" name="submit13" value="7. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit14" value="7. Ledi söndür"><br> 
  <input type="submit" name="submit15" value="8. Ledi yak">
  <input type="submit" name="submit16" value="8. Ledi söndür"><br>  
<p><b>Tasarım Kodlama:</b><br>
<a target="_blank" href="http://mebk12.meb.gov.tr/meb_iys_dosyalar/61/01/202946/">
Trabzon Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/hasanerturk61">Hasan ERTÜRK</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="http://www.spinabifidaturkey.com">Spina Bifida</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="http://eproje61.com/index.php">Elektronik Projeler</a><br>
<a target="_blank" href="http://temrinlerim.org">
<img border="0" src="http://temrinlerim.org/Themes/wm_theme/images/logo.gif" width="249" height="46"></a></p>

Arduino kodlarımız:
* OC RelayDuino ASCII Slave
* For KTA-223
* by Ocean Controls www.oceancontrols.com.au
* Controls
*  -8 Relays (4 With PWM Out (Should only be used with SSR's, the SSR Switching time is 1ms))
*  -4 Opto-Isolated Digital Ins
*  -3 Analog Ins (or Non Isolated Digitals)
#include <string.h> //Use the string Library
#include <ctype.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
void readdips(void);
void writedops(void);
void printaddr(char x);
void setbaud(char Mybaud);

#define ANIN1 6  // Analog 1 is connected to Arduino Analog In 6
#define ANIN2 7  // Analog 2 is connected to Arduino Analog In 7
#define ANIN3 0  // Analog 3 is connected to Arduino Analog In 0
int Analogs[3] = {ANIN1, ANIN2, ANIN3};

#define REL1 2  // Relay 1 is connected to Arduino Digital 2
#define REL2 3  // Relay 2 is connected to Arduino Digital 3 PWM
#define REL3 4  // Relay 3 is connected to Arduino Digital 4
#define REL4 5  // Relay 4 is connected to Arduino Digital 5 PWM
#define REL5 6  // Relay 5 is connected to Arduino Digital 6 PWM
#define REL6 7  // Relay 6 is connected to Arduino Digital 7
#define REL7 8  // Relay 7 is connected to Arduino Digital 8
#define REL8 9  // Relay 8 is connected to Arduino Digital 9 PWM
int Relays[8] = {REL1, REL2, REL3, REL4, REL5, REL6, REL7, REL8};
int PWMAble[4] = {2, 4, 5, 8};
#define OI1 15 // Opto-Isolated Input 1 is connected to Arduino Analog 1 which is Digital 15
#define OI2 16 // Opto-Isolated Input 2 is connected to Arduino Analog 2 which is Digital 16
#define OI3 17 // Opto-Isolated Input 3 is connected to Arduino Analog 3 which is Digital 17
#define OI4 18 // Opto-Isolated Input 4 is connected to Arduino Analog 4 which is Digital 18
int Optos[4] = {OI1, OI2, OI3, OI4};

#define TXEN 19 // RS-485 Transmit Enable is connected to Arduino Analog 5 which is Digital 19

char i = 0, Rxchar, Rxenable, Rxptr, Cmdcomplete, R;
char Rxbuf[15];
char adrbuf[3], cmdbuf[3], valbuf[12];
char rxaddress, Unitaddress, Unitbaud;
char Dip[5], Dop[9];
char Hold, Mask, Analog =1, Imax;
int val = 0, Param;  
int anreadings[3];
char x;
int  N, outval;
unsigned long RelayStartTime[8], WatchdogStartTime;
unsigned char RelayOnTime[8], WatchdogOnTime;

void setup()
  for (i=0;i<8;i++)
  pinMode(Relays[i], OUTPUT);  // declare the relay pin as an output
  for (i=0;i<4;i++)
  pinMode(Optos[i], INPUT);  // declare the relay pin as an output
  pinMode(TXEN, OUTPUT);
  //Read Address, Baud and Parity from EEPROM Here 
  Unitaddress = EEPROM.read(0);
  if ((Unitaddress > 99) || (Unitaddress < 0))
  Unitaddress = 0; 
  Unitbaud = EEPROM.read(1);
//  Unitparity = EEPROM.read(2);//Parity currently not available
  setbaud(Unitbaud);// start serial port
  UCSR0A=UCSR0A |(1 << TXC0); //Clear Transmit Complete Flag
  digitalWrite(TXEN, HIGH);  //Enable Transmit
  delay(1);  //Let 485 chip go into Transmit Mode
  Serial.println("Ocean Controls");
  Serial.println("KTA-223 v3.3");
  while (!(UCSR0A & (1 << TXC0)));  //Wait for Transmit to finish
  digitalWrite(TXEN,LOW);  //Turn off transmit enable

  //We want the switching freq to be pretty slow as the turn on time for the SSR's is 1ms
  //TCCR0B = TCCR0B & 0b11111101; // Arduino pins 5+6 61Hz
  //TCCR1B = TCCR1B & 0b11111101; // Arduino pins 9+10 30Hz
  //TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111111; // Arduino pins 11+3 30Hz (stuck at 490Hz have to check this)

void loop()
  //readdips();//read inputs
  //writedops();//set the relays
  if (Serial.available() > 0)  // Is a character waiting in the buffer?
  Rxchar = Serial.read();  // Get the waiting character

  if (Rxchar == '@')  // Can start recording after @ symbol
  if (Cmdcomplete != 1)
  Rxenable = 1;
  Rxptr = 1;
  }//end cmdcomplete
  }//end rxchar
  if (Rxenable == 1)  // its enabled so record the characters
  if ((Rxchar != 32) && (Rxchar != '@')) //dont save the spaces or @ symbol
  Rxbuf[Rxptr] = Rxchar;
  if (Rxptr > 13)
  Rxenable = 0;
  }//end rxptr
  }//end rxchar
  if (Rxchar == 13)
  Rxenable = 0;
  Cmdcomplete = 1;
  }//end rxchar
  }//end rxenable

  }// end serial available

  //we should now have AACCXXXX in the rxbuf array, with a cr at rxptr
  //we should take rxbuf(1) and rxbuf(2) and turn them into a number

  if (Cmdcomplete == 1)
  adrbuf[0] = Rxbuf[1];
  adrbuf[1] = Rxbuf[2];
  adrbuf[2] = 0; //null terminate Mystr = Chr(rxbuf(1)) + Chr(rxbuf(2))
  rxaddress = atoi(adrbuf);//  Address = Val(mystr)
  cmdbuf[0] = toupper(Rxbuf[3]); //copy and convert to upper case
  cmdbuf[1] = toupper(Rxbuf[4]); //copy and convert to upper case
  cmdbuf[2] = 0; //null terminate  Command = Chr(rxbuf(3)) + Chr(rxbuf(4))
  //  Command = Ucase(command)
  valbuf[0] = Rxbuf[5]; //  Mystr = Chr(rxbuf(5))
  R = Rxptr - 1;
  for (i = 6 ; i <= R ; i++)//For I = 6 To R
  valbuf[i-5] = Rxbuf[i]; //Mystr = Mystr + Chr(rxbuf(i))
  valbuf[R+1] = 0; //null terminate
  Param = atoi(valbuf);//  Param = Val(mystr)

  //Serial.println(Param); //  'Print "Parameter: " ; Param

  if ((rxaddress == Unitaddress) || (rxaddress == 0)) //0 is wildcard address, all units respond

  //switch (cmdbuf) //Select Case Command
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"ON")==0)  //'turn relay x ON
  //'Print "command was ON"
  if ((Param <= 8) && (Param >= 0))
  if (Param == 0)
  for (i = 1 ; i<=8 ; i++)
  Dop[i-1] = 1;
  RelayOnTime[i-1]= 0;//override the timing
  Dop[Param-1] = 1;
  RelayOnTime[Param-1]= 0;//override the timing
  //'Print "out of range"
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"OF")==0)  //'turn relay x OFF
  //'Print "command was OFF"
  if ((Param <= 8) && (Param >= 0))
  if (Param == 0)
  for (i = 1 ; i<=8 ; i++)
  Dop[i-1] = 0;
  Dop[Param-1] = 0;
  //'Print "out of range"
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"PW")==0)  // PWM out on Relays 2, 4, 5 or 8 only
  {  // Value of parameter is Relay number and 0-255 value ie 2127 will make channel 2 output 127 (50%)
  for ( i=0 ; i<=3 ; i++)  //
  x = Param / 1000;
  if ( x==PWMAble[i]) //Is is on the list?
  outval = Param % 1000; //Get the 0-255 value
  if (outval>=0 && outval <=255) //within range?
  analogWrite( Relays[x-1] , outval);
  if (outval == 0)
  Dop[x-1]=0;  //If it is 0 then we will say the Relay is OFF
  Dop[x-1]=1;  //If it is not 0 then we will say the Relay is ON
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"TR")==0)  // Timed Relay
  {  // Value of parameter is Relay number and 1-255 time in 0.1s increments 2127 is relay 2 for 12.7 sec
  x = Param / 1000; //Get the relay number
  outval = Param % 1000; //Get the 0-255 value
  if (outval>=1 && outval <=255) //within range?
  RelayStartTime[x-1] = millis(); //save the current time
  RelayOnTime[x-1] = outval;
  Dop[x-1]=1;  //Relay on
  writedops();  //Write outputs
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"KA")==0)  // Keep Alive
  {  // Value of parameter is seconds to stay alive for
  if (Param>=0 && Param <=255) //within range?
  WatchdogStartTime = millis(); //save the current time
  WatchdogOnTime = Param;
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"WR")==0)  //'turn relay on/off according to binary value of x
  //'Print "command was WRITE"
  if ((Param <= 255) && (Param >= 0))
  for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
  Mask = 1<<i;//Shift Mask , Left , I
  Hold = Param & Mask;
  /*'Print "mask=" ; Mask
'  Print " I= " ; I
'  Print "param=" ; Param
'  print "hold=" ; Hold
  if (Hold == Mask)
  Dop[i] = 1;
  RelayOnTime[i]= 0; //override timing
  Dop[i] = 0;
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"RS")==0)  // 'relay status
  //'Print "command was RELAY STATUS"
  if ((Param > 0) && (Param <= 8))
  Serial.println(Dop[Param-1], DEC);
  else if (Param == 0)
  N = 0;
  for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
  if(Dop[i] == 1)
  N = N|(1<<i);
  Serial.println(N, DEC);
  //'Print "out of range"

  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"IS")==0)  // 'input status
  if ((Param > 0) && (Param <= 4))
  Serial.println(Dip[Param-1], DEC);
  else if (Param == 0)
  N = 0;
  if (Analog == 1)
  Imax = 3;
  Imax = 8;

  for (i=0 ; i<=Imax ; i++)
  if (Dip[i] == 1)
  N = N|(1<<i);
  //  'Print "out of range"

  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"AI")==0)  // 'return analog input
  if (Analog == 1)
  if ((Param >= 0) && (Param <= 3))
  for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
  anreadings[i] = analogRead(Analogs[i]);
  if (Param == 0)
  Serial.print(anreadings[0], DEC);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(anreadings[1], DEC);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.println(anreadings[2], DEC);
  Serial.println(anreadings[Param-1], DEC);
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"SS")==0)  // System Status
  if (Param == 0)
  N = 0;
  for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) //Read Relays
  if(Dop[i] == 1)
  N = N|(1<<i);
  Serial.print(N, DEC); //Print Relays
  Serial.print(" ");
  readdips(); //Read Inputs
  N = 0;
  if (Analog == 1)
  Imax = 3;
  Imax = 8;

  for (i=0 ; i<=Imax ; i++)
  if (Dip[i] == 1)
  N = N|(1<<i);
  Serial.print(N,DEC); //Print Inputs
  Serial.print(" ");
  if (Analog == 1)
  for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
  anreadings[i] = analogRead(Analogs[i]); // Read Analogs
  Serial.print(anreadings[0], DEC); //Print Analogs
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.print(anreadings[1], DEC);
  Serial.print(" ");
  Serial.println(anreadings[2], DEC);
  //'Print "out of range"
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"SA")==0)  // Set Address and save to EEP
  //'Print "command was Set Address"
  if ((Param >= 0) && (Param <= 99))
  Unitaddress = Param;  //make it the address
  EEPROM.write(0, Unitaddress);//save to eep  
  //'Print "out of range"
  if (strcmp(cmdbuf,"SB")==0)  // Set Baud and save to EEP
  //'Print "command was Set Baud"
  if ((Param > 0) && (Param <= 10))
  Unitbaud = Param;  
  EEPROM.write(1, Unitbaud);//save to eep  

  setbaud(Unitbaud);// start serial port  
  //'Print "out of range"
  case "SB":  'set Baud
  If Param > 0 And Param < 13 Then
  Mybaud = Param
  If Serdef = False Then Setbaud
  If unitAddress < 10 Then
  Print "#0" ; unitAddress
  Print "#" ; unitAddress
  End If
  End If

  case "SP":  'set parity
  If Param >= 0 And Param < 4 Then
  Myparity = Param
  if serdef = false then Setparity
  If unitAddress < 10 Then
  Print "#0" ; unitAddress
  Print "#" ; unitAddress
  End If
  End If
/*'  case "SS":  'set stop bits
'  Mystopbits = Param
'  if serdef = false then Setstopbits

'  case "SD":  'set data bits
'  Mydatabits = Param
'  if serdef = false then Setdatabits

  //}//end switch cmdbuf
  }//end address

  Cmdcomplete = 0;
  }//end cmdcomplete
  while (!(UCSR0A & (1 << TXC0)));  //Wait for Transmit to finish
  digitalWrite(TXEN,LOW);  //Turn off transmit enable
}//end loop

void checkTime(void)
  unsigned long currentTime = millis();
  for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
  if (RelayOnTime[i] != 0)
  if (currentTime - RelayStartTime[i] >= (unsigned long)(RelayOnTime[i]) * 100)
  RelayOnTime[i]= 0;
  Dop[i]= 0; //turn off relay
  writedops(); //write outputs
  if (WatchdogOnTime != 0)
  if (currentTime - WatchdogStartTime >= (unsigned long)(WatchdogOnTime) * 1000) //Watchdog timed out
  for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
  Dop[i] = 0; //turn off relay
  writedops(); //write outputs
  WatchdogStartTime = currentTime; //keep the same timeout until it is turned off

void readdips(void)

  for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++)
  if (digitalRead(Optos[i])==LOW)
  Dip[i] = 1;
  Dip[i] = 0;

void writedops(void)
  for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++)
  if (Dop[i]==1)

void printaddr(char x) //if x=1 then it prints an enter, if x=2 then it prints a space after the address
  UCSR0A=UCSR0A |(1 << TXC0); //Clear Transmit Complete Flag
  digitalWrite(TXEN, HIGH);  //Enable Transmit
  delay(1);  //Let 485 chip go into Transmit Mode

  if (Unitaddress < 10)
  Serial.print(Unitaddress, DEC);
  Serial.print(Unitaddress, DEC);
  case 1:
  Serial.println(); //print enter
  case 2:
  Serial.print(" "); //print space


void setbaud(char Mybaud)
  switch (Mybaud)
  case 1 : Serial.begin(1200);
  case 2 : Serial.begin(2400);
  case 3 : Serial.begin(4800);
  case 4 : Serial.begin(9600);
  case 5 : Serial.begin(14400);
  case 6 : Serial.begin(19200);
  case 7 : Serial.begin(28800);
  case 8 : Serial.begin(38400);
  case 9 : Serial.begin(57600);
  case 10 : Serial.begin(115200);
  default:  Serial.begin(9600);

Devreyi kurduktan sonra internet tarayıcımızın adres çubuğuna http://localhost/phpArduino.php adresini yazıp enterlediğimizde kullanıcı arayüzüne ulaşıyor ve ledleri videoda görüldüğü gibi açıp kapatabiliyoruz. Arduino çıkışlarına Led yerine birer transistörle röle kullanırsak yüksek akım çeken alet ya da cihazları kontrol edebilmemiz mümkün.

İhtiyaç olması halinde konuya ait ekleri orjinal konu ekinden indirebilirsiniz. (Üyelik gerektirir.)
Hocam eline sağlık çok güzel olmuş. En yakın zamanda bir test yapayım
hocam peki bunu ethernet shield ile yapabilirmiyiz. çünkü , uzak bilgisayardan local bilgisayara veri göndermem lazım. birde bunu on off ayrı ayrı değilde push buton şeklinde olabilir mi.

Şöyle bir proje yapmak istiyorum. bir web uygulaması var. form alanları doldurulup bilgiler post edilince bariyer açılacak.
esp8266 veya benzeri modüllerle istediginizi yapabilirsiniz.
Yapılabilir. Hazırda yapılmış bir çalışmam yok.
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