S7 1200 internet üzerinden erişim


22 May 2007
S7 1200 Cpu ya İnternetten Erişim ve Program Yükleme ile ilgili Sadece Ip ayarları ile yapmak Mümkünmüdür.
CPU PG haberleşmesi yanılmıyorsam 102. portu kullanıyordu. CPU nun internete çıkan kapıdaki ROUTER in 102. portunu plc.nin ip adresine yönlendirirsenin uzaktan haberleşecebileceğiniz kanaatindeyim ancak hiç denemedim.
Siemens forum sitesinden alıntıdır:

I just tried to access to s71200 over internet and web server works great!!!!
I sugest the following procedure:

Step 1. Create a web server application and download it to S71200
Step 2. Testing web server application in LAN

  • Open web browser (Opera, Mozzila, Chrome…) and type IP address of PLC in URL tab:
IP address of my PLC is (Subnet mask, Router
I type in URL tab:

  • step2 is OK only if your web browser open Web pages from S71200
Step 3. By Static IP address from your Internet provider,

Step 4. Router settings

  • Use port forwarding technique (Activate Port 443 HTTPS and Port 80 HTTP)
(My router settings in attachments)

Step 5. Remote testing

  • Connect PLC to router LAN port,
  • Tell your friends to check your S71200 web server
  • From remote computer your friends will type in URL tab Static IP address (from your provider..Example 89.211.XXX.XXX) in form http://89.211.XXX.XXX:80
(80 - port number)
Step 6. ENJOY!!!...

I tested two CPU-s:
1. CPU 1212C dc/dc/dc (6ES7212-1AE31-0XB0) - Firmware V3.0.1
2. CPU 1215C dc/dc/dc (6ES7215-1AG31-0XB0) - Firmware V3.0.1
I use simple router D-Link DI-524

If you wish to access only to default S71200 web page (not user define page), you just need to enable web server and you must correctly setup IP adresss, Subnet mask, Gateway(router adress) in PLC Properties.
Also, you must correctly set the router as we have previously noted....

Ekli dosyalar

  • D-link router settings.jpg
    90.7 KB · Görüntüleme: 125
  • PLC settings.zip
    PLC settings.zip
    318.5 KB · Görüntüleme: 98
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