; *
; Filename: ledcubeC.asm *
; Date: 12-March-2009 *
; *
; Code Version: 1.0.2 *
; Author: Pete Griffiths *
; Company: picprojects.org.uk *
; *
; *
; *
; Files Required: P16F688.INC *
; *
; *
; Notes: *
; *
; The instruction cycle time is 0.5uS (8Mhz clock) *
; *
; For PCB Revision C *
; Schematic: cube555c 23/02/2009 *
LED Cube Matrix Driver *
; *
; V1.0.1 *
; Added extra instructions to DP (PULLDIS, SWAP) *
; *
; V1.0.2 *
; Added extra instructions to DP (DUP, NOT, ROT, OVER) *
; *
list p=16f688 ; list directive to define processor
#include <P16F688.inc> ; processor specific variable definitions
errorlevel -302
; '__CONFIG' directive is used to embed configuration data within .asm file.
; The labels following the directive are located in the respective .inc file.
; See respective data sheet for additional information on configuration word.
; EEPROM used to hold static code version information.
ORG 0x2100 ; data EEPROM address
de " LED Cube V1.0.2 "
de " animations 13-04-2009 "
de " picprojects.org.uk "
de " (c) 2009 Pete Griffiths "
; Timer0 Prescaler 1:8
Ctimer0 equ .8 ; timer0 reload value 2mS (refresh 100Hz)
;Ctimer0 equ .132 ; timer0 reload value 1mS (refresh 200Hz)
; 5 layers x 2mS = 10mS -> 100Hz refresh
; Changing the refresh will affect the hold and second timers in the lc5x5_inth.inc code
cblock 0x20
buffer.draw:.25 ; Drawing buffer
; Drawing buffer and display buffer must start at the same address
; in banks 0/1 as program functions expect them to be offset by 128 bytes
cp.regbase:.4 ; command processor General purpose registers
holdtime ; hold time (GPReg 4) - 30
vox.x ; X axis voxel pointer register (GPReg 5)
vox.y ; Y axis voxel pointer register (GPReg 6)
vox.z ; Z axis voxel pointer register (GPReg 7)
voxel.count ; Used by SET/CLR/INV ALL drawing functions
rotate ; temp variable used to rotate cube in the x-axis
addr.stack.pointer ; instruction pointer stack -35
user.stack.pointer ; current stack pointer address
stack.data.temp ; temp variable holding value to put on stack
instruction ; copy of command last fetched
inst.data ; command data byte
randomH ; Random number hi byte
randomL ; Random number lo byte
mult.mult2 ; Multiplier to scale random number for use
mult.resHi ; Multiplier to scale random number for use
mult.resLo ; Multiplier to scale random number for use
math.op1 ; math operation variable
savex ; Temp save of X,Y,Z registers when draw functions
savey ; use them but they need to be left unchanged on
savez ; function exit
cblock 0xA0
buffer.disp:.25 ; must be offset from buffer.draw by 128 bytes
addr.stack:.16 ; instruction pointer return address stack
user.stack:.33 ; user software stack
; user stack is 30 levels deep but the Drawing Processor also
; makes use of this stack for temporary storage during
endc ; instruction exectuion so 3 extra bytes are reserved
cblock 0x70
w_temp ; variable used for interrupt context saving (also used in startup code)
status_temp ; variable used for interrupt context saving (also used in startup code)
pclath_temp ; variable used for interrupt context saving
fsr_temp ; variable used for interrupt context saving
flag.bit ; Variable used to hold flag bits
voxel.func ; Variable used to hold voxel mode operations
shift.register ; Temp variable used to shift drawing buffer data to hardware shift registers
layer.select ; Variable holds current layer output drive
shift.count ; Bits shifted counter
hold.timer ; display update hold timer in 10mS intervals
tick ; Count of 10mS periods in 1S
seconds ; Seconds countdown timer
inst.ptr.Lo ; drawing processor instruction pointer Lo byte
inst.ptr.Hi ; drawing processor instruction pointer Hi byte
char.ptr.Lo ; character data address pointer Lo byte
char.ptr.Hi ; character data address pointer Hi byte
; Flag bits
Fcopy.buffer equ 0 ; Set when draw.buffer ready to be transfered to disp.buffer
Fhold.tout equ 1 ; Set when hold delay has completed
Fzero equ 3 ; Flag is set to indicate a value is 0 (zero)
Fcarry EQU 4 ; Flag is set to if add resulted in carry or subtract resulted in borrow
; Voxel function flag bits
Fvoxel.clr equ 0 ; voxel operations will Clear voxels
Fvoxel.set equ 1 ; voxel operations will Set voxels
Fvoxel.inv equ 2 ; voxel operations will Invert voxels
Fcharyz equ 3 ; Character draws in Y plane if set, Z plane if clear
; Port bits on PORTA
controlPort equ PORTA
bit.clk equ 0 ; shift register clock _/
bit.sin equ 1 ; shift register serial in
bit.latch equ 2 ; shift register latch \_
bit.switch equ 4 ; switch / SYNCEXT instruction input
bit.statusLED equ 5 ; status LED (not used in this code release)
; Port bits on PORTC
layerPort equ PORTC
bit.layer1 equ 0 ; LED cube layer drive (Y-axis 0)
bit.layer2 equ 1 ; LED cube layer drive (Y-axis 1)
bit.layer3 equ 2 ; LED cube layer drive (Y-axis 2)
bit.layer4 equ 3 ; LED cube layer drive (Y-axis 3)
bit.layer5 equ 4 ; LED cube layer drive (Y-axis 4)
ORG 0x000 ; reset vector
clrf PCLATH ;
goto reset.init ; go to initialisation code
org 0x004 ; set PC to interrupt vector
#include lc555_inthPCBC.inc ; interrupt handler code (must live here)
#include lc555_draw.inc ; draw functions
#include lc555_dp.inc ; Drawing Processor
#include lc555_chardata.inc ; Character drawing data
#include lc555_reset.inc ; PIC reset initialisation code.
#include lc555_macros.inc ; Display processor instruction definitions
radix dec
program.base.addr ; Drawing Processor user program starts here
; put drawing processor program include files here
#include CubeProgram.inc ; Drawing Processor program include file
;#include CubeProgramD.inc ; Drawing Processor program include file
END ; directive 'end of program'
arkadaşlar burada 5x5x5 led küp devresi için yazılmış asm kodu var kodun orjinalinde küp animasyona başlarken site isminin harflerini tektek yazdıktan sonra animasyona geçiyor.Bu kod içerisinde harflerin oluşturulduğu komut satırının hangisi olduğunu bilmiyorum daha doğrusu asm bilmiyorum bu kodu C dilinde yazabilecek arkadaşların yardımına ihtiyacım var.Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.