Eski dosyalardan şöyle birşey buldum belki bir fikir verir,inceleyin.
Epeydir asm de program yazmıyorum,inşallah faydası olur
LIST p=16F877
#include "P16F877.INC"
; Macro to generate a MOVLW instruction that also causes a model break:
break MACRO arg
DW 0x3100 | (arg & H'FF')
cblock 0x20
count, lc1, lc2;
; Vector for normal start up.
org 0
goto start
org 4
goto inthlr
; Main program starts here:
start clrw ; Clear W.
movwf PORTB ; Ensure PORTB is zero before we enable it.
movwf PORTD ; Ensure PORTD is zero before we enable it.
movwf count ; Reset count value.
movwf CCPR1H ; Clear.
movwf CCPR1L ; Clear.
; Set up ports:
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
movlw 0xFF ; Set W to mask for all inputs.
movwf TRISA ; set TRISA register as inputs.
movlw 0x00 ; Set W to mask for all inputs.
movwf TRISA ; set TRISA register as inputs.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 1
bsf PORTA,0
bcf PORTA,0
bsf PORTA,0
bcf PORTA,0
bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0
movlw 0xFF ; Set W to mask for all inputs.
movwf TRISA ; set TRISA register as inputs.
clrf TRISB ; Set TRISB register as outputs.
clrf TRISD ; Set TRISD register as outputs.
movlw 0x81 ; ADFM=1, all inputs analogue, +VREF enabled.
movwf ADCON1 ; Save it.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Select Bank 0.
movlw 0xC1 ; Clock/Channel select and enable.
movwf ADCON0 ; Save it.
movlw 0x01 ; Number of loops of 255 clocks.
call swait ; Wait for acquire time.
do_conv bsf ADCON0,GO
wait_eoc btfsc ADCON0,GO ; Is bit still set?
goto wait_eoc ; Yes, so loop and wait for end of conversion.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Ensure we have bank 0.
bsf PORTD,0 ; Show ISR in progress.
incf count,F ; Increment count.
; call disp_adc ; Display captured value.
bcf PORTD,0 ; Remove progress bit.
movlw 0x40 ; Count
movwf count ; Save it.
loop1 nop ; Dilly...
nop ; Dally...
nop ; Dilly...
decfsz count ; Decrement loop counter
goto loop1 ; Loop if no zero.
goto do_conv ; Do another conversion.
disp_adc bsf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 1.
movf ADRESL,W ; Get ADRESL into W.
bcf STATUS,RP0 ; Bank 0.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port
bsf PORTD,6 ; Toggle latch enable
nop ; Wait
nop ; Wait
bcf PORTD,6 ; Toggle latch enable
movf ADRESH,W ; Get ADRESH into W.
movwf PORTB ; Write it to port
bsf PORTD,7 ; Toggle latch enable
nop ; Wait
nop ; Wait
bcf PORTD,7 ; Toggle latch enable
inthlr retfie
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Wait function
; -------------
swait movwf lc2
_sw2 movlw 0xFF
movwf lc1
_sw3 nop
decfsz lc1,f
goto _sw3
decfsz lc2,f
goto _sw2