ve bu kartta yapmak istediğim diğer bir şey ise
start ve stop butonlarını dışarı dişardan birer buton ile yapmak istiyorum
aşağıdaki ingilizceyi anlayacak kadar bilmiyorum
6. The connection to the emergency stop and start button.
1) Connecting the starting and stopping button, if you intense to go through the input port of the circuit board. Then connect a GND line and a conventional input port line. It is proposed to use the normally open switch. Then do the following settings on the software. Firstly, active and define the OEM Trigger, in order to control the OEM button. Secondly, set the function codes like this, starting 1000, suspended 1001, stop 1003, F+ 108, F- 109. You can check the other function codes from the MACH3 OEM code. You can do as follows, P11 and GND are connected to a switch, P12 and GND are connected with a switch, P11 is starting, P12 is stopping.
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