Bf2 ledi


13 Ocak 2008
Arkadaşlar merhaba. CPU 315 2PN/DP PLC kullanıyorum. Ve im 365 send ve receive modulüm var. Şu an CPU çalışınca BF2 ledini yakıyo. Diagnostic buffer raporu aşağıda. Yardımcı olursanız sevinirim.

Diagnostic buffer of module CPU 315-2 PN/DP

Order No./ Description        	Component                     	Version                       
6ES7 315-2EH13-0AB0           	Hardware                      	4                             
- - -                         	Firmware                      	V 2.6.5                       
Boot Loader                   	Firmware expansion            	A 10.13.9                     

Rack:                         	0
Slot:                         	2

Event 1 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4302
Mode transition from STARTUP to RUN
Startup information: 
- Time for time stamp at the last backed up power on
- Single processor operation
Current/last startup type:
- Warm restart triggered via MPI; last power on backed up
Permissibility of certain startup types: 
- Manual warm restart permitted
- Automatic warm restart permitted
Last valid operation or setting of automatic startup type at power on:
- Warm restart triggered via MPI; last power on backed up
Previous operating mode: STARTUP (warm restart)
Requested operating mode: RUN
Incoming event
06:49:56.938 PM  05/01/1994

Event 2 of 10:  Event ID 16# 1381
Request for manual warm restart 
STOP due to: STOP caused by PG stop operation or by SFB 20 "STOP"
Startup information:
- Startup without modified system configuration 
- No difference between setpoint and actual configuration
- Time for time stamp at the last backed up power on
- Single processor operation
Current/last startup type:
- Warm restart triggered via MPI; last power on backed up
Permissibility of certain startup types: 
- Manual warm restart permitted
- Automatic warm restart permitted
Last valid operation or setting of automatic startup type at power on:
- Warm restart triggered via MPI; last power on backed up 
Requested OB: Startup OB (OB100)
Priority class: 27
Incoming event
06:49:56.934 PM  05/01/1994

Event 3 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4301
Mode transition from STOP to STARTUP 
STOP due to: STOP caused by PG stop operation or by SFB 20 "STOP"
Startup information: 
- Time for time stamp at the last backed up power on
- Single processor operation
Current/last startup type:
- Warm restart triggered via MPI; last power on backed up
Permissibility of certain startup types: 
- Manual warm restart permitted
- Automatic warm restart permitted
Last valid operation or setting of the automatic startup type at power on:
- Warm restart triggered via MPI; last power on backed up
Previous operating mode: STOP (internal)
Requested operating mode: STARTUP (warm restart)
Incoming event
06:49:56.852 PM  05/01/1994

Event 4 of 10:  Event ID 16# 596D
The existing network configuration do not correspond to the system requirements or configuration
logical address of the error-detecting module   2045
cause of error: Bps not suitable for PROFINET IO
operating mode: STOP (internal)
External error, Incoming event
06:49:20.431 PM  05/01/1994

Event 5 of 10:  Event ID 16# 4304
STOP caused by PG stop operation or by SFB 20 "STOP"
Previous operating mode: RUN
Requested operating mode: STOP (internal)
Incoming event
06:49:17.265 PM  05/01/1994

Event 6 of 10:  Event ID 16# 2521
BCD conversion error
Affected register: accumulator 1
Requested OB: Programming error OB (OB121)
Priority class:  1
Internal error, Incoming event
03:09:36.689 AM  05/01/1994

Event 7 of 10:  Event ID 16# 2521
BCD conversion error
Affected register: accumulator 1
Requested OB: Programming error OB (OB121)
Priority class:  1
Internal error, Incoming event
03:09:36.686 AM  05/01/1994

Event 8 of 10:  Event ID 16# 2521
BCD conversion error
Affected register: accumulator 1
Requested OB: Programming error OB (OB121)
Priority class:  1
Internal error, Incoming event
03:09:36.684 AM  05/01/1994

Event 9 of 10:  Event ID 16# 2521
BCD conversion error
Affected register: accumulator 1
Requested OB: Programming error OB (OB121)
Priority class:  1
Internal error, Incoming event
03:09:36.681 AM  05/01/1994

Event 10 of 10:  Event ID 16# 2521
BCD conversion error
Affected register: accumulator 1
Requested OB: Programming error OB (OB121)
Priority class:  1
Internal error, Incoming event
03:09:36.678 AM  05/01/1994
Moderatör tarafında düzenlendi:
KNX Standardı, küçük bir rezidansın içerisindeki aydınlatma, perde panjur, klima kontrolünden, Dünya’nın en büyük havalimanlarındaki aydınlatma otomasyonu gibi çözümler için tercih edilen bir Dünya standardıdır.
Yazımızda endüstrinin can damarı sayılabilecek PLC’yi inceleyeceğiz.
Event 9 of 10: Event ID 16# 2521
BCD conversion error

Program içinde BCD ye çevirme yapıyorsanız çevirme veya değişkene atama ile ilgili sorun olabilir...
O cevirmeyi yaptığımda safe moduna geçiyodu plc. Onu iptal ettim ama şuan bf2 ledi yanıyor. Sistem şu an çalışıyor yani sisteme bi engeli görünmüyo fakat bf2 ledinin yanması hala kafamı karıştırıyor. Acaba neden oluyor.
Bus Failure ledi yanıyor. Bus hattına bir cihaz bağlımı veya hardware olarak tanımlayıp bağlamadıysan yanar.
arkadaşlar yarrdımlarınız için çok teşekkür ederim. Ethernet modülünü tanımlamıştım ama bağlamamıştım. profineti takınca hata gitti. Tekrar çok teşekkür ederim

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