⒈Check whether the motor has got short circuit and whether the insulation of the output wires is good. ⒉Check whether the motor is rotating with some external jamming force and whether there is a sudden change of mechanical load.
⒊Check whether the inveter’s capacity is too small and increase its capacity.
⒋Check whether there is a sudden change in the power grid voltage.
motoru ve baglantılarını kontrol edin, motorun yükünü kontrol edin, kapasitesini ve voltajını kontrol edindiyor..
C085 Rated Motor Voltage Factory Setting:220/380 It is set according to the rated voltage value of the namplate. For 230V class inverters the default is 220, while for 400 V class inverters the default is 380V.
buradaki 85 numaralı parametreyi değiştiremiyorum, en fazla 250 v kadar cıkıyor, 380 yapamıyorum..
sanırım bundan oluyor..